Testing the scale of the Dodecatron

We made a few small models of our Dodecatron project using D12 Dice.  By using the same size dice in different scaled "spaces" we can see how different sized dodecahedrons might feel when the final structure is built.  This scale exercise coincides a calculation on cost, each scale requires a different amount of lumber and straps, while smaller objects require less wood we then need more of them, which requires more straps and potentially more wood.  All of these things inform our design process. 

The images below are for an 8ft tall dodecahedron, multiple 4ft tall versions, or 2-3 ft tall dodecahedrons. 

8-9 Foot Tall Dodecahedron (4 foot long edges)

4-5 Foot Tall Dodecahedrons (2 foot long edges)

2-3 Foot Tall Dodecahedron (1 foot+ long edges)