Our current project is a mobile sound FX studio. To make this project work we need YOUR help collecting diverse 30 second clips.
On Thursday Feb. 15th we're going to hold a 30 Second Sound FX Film Fest. Bring us an approximately 30 second public domain video clip.* Weblinks are preferred but we can make disc media work too.
*Creative Commons is fine too but if you want to use something from a copy-written movie or show you'll need to “swede” the clip
We'll show these clips and make our own sounds effects for them as a test so feel free to bring something that might work as a “noisemaker”
This event is free and open to all, feel free to invite your friends.
Urban Artworks is located in the Inscape Arts Building (815 Seattle Blvd S) which is a controlled access building. Dial 009 at the front callbox anytime after 6:20pm and someone will escort you in.
If you're looking for public domain or creative commons licensed media here are a few places to start.
- Pond5: A public domain archive.
- Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/movies
- Hubble Videos: http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/
- National parks service video: https://www.nps.gov/media/multimedia-search.htm
- Vimeo’s public domain channel: https://vimeo.com/channels/publicdomain
- Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Videos